James Maclean

Frontend Developer, UX/UI


I approach coding work with consideration and care for my colleagues. I believe the best code can be worked on by some one else at a moments notice.


I employ a pragmatic combination of design, technical and product mangement skills to produce effective interface designs.

2015 - 2019

I was instrumental in the re-design of the FundsNetwork advisory investment platform which has gone on to win industry awards based on features and functionality available to financial advisors.

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2014 - 2015

I conducted user research on the trading floor at CitiBank and designed features in collaboration with members of the trading floor to manage the risk of changing a UI responsible for moving billions of dollars per day.

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2011 - 2014

Whilst at Caplin I designed key product features for the ‘Sales Trader’ product that are still part of the key offering nearly 10 years later. I liaised with client representatives from DBS bank, Santander and Deutsche Bank to develop foreign exchange trading interfaces used to move millions of dollars per day. I also wrote production CSS to aid development teams.

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